Salvete! International Academic Competitions is delighted to announce the launch of the International Latin Olympiad on July 24-30, 2023 at St. Stephen’s School in the heart of Rome, Italy!

For the past 11 years, IAC has organized competitions in history, geography, science, political science, the humanities and more, but for the first time, we are now going to be organizing competitions for foreign languages. Initially, IAC will be organizing the International Latin Olympiad, the International French Olympiad, and the International Spanish Olympiad, as well as the International Austrian Cultural Olympiad (which will have both German-language and solely English tracks). Separately, IAC is debuting its first-ever history, science, and geography competitions in a foreign language other than English, with the launch of IAC Polska in Poland for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Students interested in attending the International Latin Olympiad need to provide a passing score on the ILO Qualifying Exam, or an equivalent score on the National Latin Exam. Students may also qualify through finishing in the top 60% of students competing in the new online National Latin Bee as well. Having studied Latin ourselves since 1992, run two successful International History Bee and Bowl European Championships at St. Stephen’s School (and annual tournaments there since 2012) and being passionate about ancient history education for years, we are very excited about the chance to promote the study of Latin and Ancient Rome to all International Latin Olympiad students. After all, we’ve crowned champions inside the Coliseum before!

Please explore our website for further details, sign up to be notified for updates, and if you have any further questions, please reach out to us at
See you in Rome in 2023!

David and Nolwenn Madden
Founders and Executive Directors
International Academic Competitions
International Latin Olympiad
National Latin Bee